15 Must Ask Questions To Move More Freight

Freight Agent MarketingAs a Freight Sales Agent you are not just a sales person. You are a strategist, an operations expert, someone who takes action, and someone whose real objective is to solve your customer’s freight and shipping challenges.[spacer height=”20px”]

The way we solve challenges for our prospects is to first figure out:[spacer height=”20px”]

What are their challenges?
What frustrates them?
What do they wish other freight agents would do that they don’t?
What causes them stress?[spacer height=”20px”]

The answers to these questions can’t be discovered when you do 90% of the talking. Instead, you MUST ask business relevant questions, take note of the answers you are given and never lose site of these answers. Once you know what your prospects challenges are, and you know that you can assist them to solve their challenges, only then you will start talking about our services and what we can do to improve your prospects lives.[spacer height=”20px”]

Memorize these questions, let them come to you naturally, never sound like you are reading from a script, and most importantly ask them to show that you care to Build Instant Rapport.[spacer height=”20px”]

1. Tell Me About Your Business? You should have already googled your prospects company you are calling. Let this question be the opener to break the ice. People love to talk about their companies and what they are doing that is so great. Join in the conversation from the information you already researched about their company, build on your information.[spacer height=”20px”]

2. What Are Your Main Responsibilities? You want to make sure  you are speaking to the Shipping Manager /or Shipping Decision Maker who is in charge of freight. If they are not the person who decides on which freight companies they choose then, simply ask for the name of the shipping manager. If you had the wrong person, once you get through to the shipping decision maker, start the questions again and listen carefully to their responsibilities.[spacer height=”20px”]

It is always good to dig further to make sure you identify you are speaking to the SHIPPING DECISION MAKER, there may be several for different regions in larger companies: [spacer height=”20px”]

Who Else, Besides You, Makes Your Shipping Decisions?[spacer height=”20px”]

Your goal is to talk to the person with the power. Everybody else has problems you can potentially solve, but the person who makes the shipping decisions is the only one who has the authority to let you assist him/her.[spacer height=”20px”]

4. What’s Your Biggest Challenge Shipping Your productEnsure you write down the answer to this question.[spacer height=”20px”]

5. What Happens When ________________________? This is for locating their challenges beforehand, so you can solve them when they happen.[spacer height=”20px”]

6. What Are Your Main Priorities While Moving Your Freight? Another question you must write down the answer to.[spacer height=”20px”]

7. What Qualities Do You Look For In A Great Freight Agent? Your goal is to be excellent in this profession. Excellent results only come to excellent people with excellent work ethics. When you know what’s important to them, you’ll ensure them that you will fulfill their requirements.[spacer height=”20px”]

8. What Do You Like Most About Your Current Freight Agent? This question shows that you are elegant and that you don’t speak poorly of your competition.[spacer height=”20px”]

9. What Would You Change About Your Current Freight Agent? If they say, I wish they would get their rates to me faster, then you ensure them that you’ll get your rates to them fast! With all of the information your prospects give you, write everything down. By taking action and giving them what their current agent doesn’t, you’ll stand out and be seen as both better and different than their current agent.[spacer height=”20px”]

10. Do You Keep Your Options Open For New Freight Agents? This is one of the main questions you MUST ask. This question qualifies your prospect.[spacer height=”20px”]

11. What’s Your Criteria For Bringing In A New Freight Agent? Some may have criteria, some don’t. Overall, their criteria is for you to solve their challenges. When you go to them with your solutions, you break their autopilot and comfort zone and they won’t be able to help but listen to you.[spacer height=”20px”]

12. How Do You Measure Success With Current Freight Agents? The main way is that their freight agent gets their freight picked up, transported and delivered. But always see if you can go deeper for other answers and insights.[spacer height=”20px”]

13. How Would I Win Your “Freight Agent Of The Year” Award? They might be reluctant to answer or tell you they don’t have an award like this. Use the phrase, But if you did have an award, how would I win it to give them permission to open up and tell you what is most important to them.[spacer height=”20px”]

14. What Freight Loads Or Lanes Are You Shipping Right Now? Another question to note the answer to. Remember, success on the telephone goes to the person with the best notes.[spacer height=”20px”]

15. What’s Your Email Address So I Can Send You My Information? You MUST ask this question every time. We’ve already shown we’re interested in them and gotten to know their requirements. Don’t forget this final step where you capitalize on all the work you’ve already done.[spacer height=”20px”]



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